Thesis project
RISD | 2023-24 | 1 year

Industrial Design | Packaging Design | Branding 

E-waste | Jugaad | Sustainability | 5R | Repurpose | co-creation | Consumer electronics
In 2022, we produced a massive 53.6 million metric tonnes of E-Waste, equivalent to piling up 5,300 Eiffel Towers! Most of this e-waste is still functional. Jugaad on the other hand is the quirky Indian practice of frugal innovation to extend the lifespan of objects. Rooted in the art of repurposing the most unlikely of items into practical tools, jugaad is an inventive response to everyday problems. So if Jugaad is an entire world of rule-breaking and repurposing of objects, could that be implemented in electronics?
RISD ID Outstanding Thesis Award, 2024
​​​​​​​RISD Commons Grant Award, 2024
RISD Marc Harrison Fund, 2024

The Concept
Jugaatronics is a system of objects designed to be repurposed into other devices and objects. It is purely based on the various malfunction scenarios a product goes through and provides repurposing options for making other new objects. 
With compatibility with other common objects like mason jars and commonly found spare parts, the system aims to deliver an accessible ecosystem of objects open to repurposing. The ease in repurposing these objects starts with the idea of building a community that bridges user satisfaction with sustainability efforts. This system is demonstrated in a hairdryer and showcases the potential use case scenarios that communicate the best experiences for the consumer.
The “Just a hairdryer” is a hair dryer that can become 7 other repurposed objects - a vase, tea strainer, pen stand, vacuum cleaner, desk fan, fabric shaver and clothes steamer. 
Through various product death scenarios and a convenient user experience. The hair dryer can be broken down into fragments every time it partially dies and the attachments to repurpose into other conventional objects. ​​​​​​​
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